Evaluating the Impact of Real-Time Data Processing in Electronic Accounting Information Systems on Financial Decision-Making


  • Hisham Noori Hussain Al-Hashimy College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Basrah, Iraq


Real time data processing, AIS, Accounting Information Systems, Enterprise Architecture and Information System


This study emphasises the real-time data in electronic accounting information systems (EAIS) on how financial decision-making is being manipulated. The study looks at this issue, particularly about the data being an unnecessary information source for financial decisions. A general survey was conducted, which included a variety of companies in both technology and banking. The technology, clothing, and retail industry had a mixture of 250 respondents. This return rate was at 60%, and 150 responded to the question. Financial data processed in real-time by EAIS could be the answer to tackle this problem. The efficiency of financial decision-making was tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), which determines whether real-time data processing by EAIS affects a firm's financial performance. A review of the investigation reveals that the real-time data processing system design in the EAIS brings to light how accuracy and expediency are the two main aspects that helped to boost the performance of the organisation. This is the hidden gem in those organisations that have well-built technology systems and strictly commit to data-driven actions. The research shows the key advantages of real-time data, but it does not concentrate on the specific technologies or configurations of EAIS that have been implemented. That would be another research phase aimed at studying the fact of deploying separate types of real-time processing technologies in EAIS on the spot. The research highlighted the necessity of real-time processing of data in the up-to-date EAIS to be prosperous or competitive with others. The study suggests that business executives and IT managers should promote and apply innovative real-time data technologies in their Enterprise Architecture and Information System (EAIS) to give the best financial results. The work is independent in a sense as it verifies the cost benefits of executing real-time data processing focusing on the EAIS outcomes. On the other hand, it renders a sound analysis of its usefulness in a lot of structural margins. Keywords – Real-time data processing, financial decision-making, electronic accounting information systems, financial performance, technology impact, structural equation modelling.


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How to Cite

Hisham Noori Hussain Al-Hashimy. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Real-Time Data Processing in Electronic Accounting Information Systems on Financial Decision-Making. Kyzylorda Scholarly Review, 1(1), 1–14. Retrieved from https://bulletin.ouk.kz/index.php/bulletin/article/view/19


