Managing Anxiety in Multiparous Mothers During Unplanned Pregnancies


  • Anggita Lailya Ayu Cahyani Department of Midwifery, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Nurul Azizah Department of Midwifery, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Ключевые слова:

Multiparous mothers, unplanned pregnancy, anxiety, family support, medical supervision


This case study explores the psychological responses of multiparous mothers, like Mrs. N, to unplanned pregnancies, highlighting significant anxiety and stress, especially with past traumatic childbirth experiences. Using the DASS 42 questionnaire and in-depth interviews, the study found that strong family support, positive attitude changes, and adequate medical supervision are crucial in managing these challenges. The research emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring and robust support systems to ensure the well-being of both mother and child throughout the pregnancy.


  1. Multiparous mothers face anxiety and stress with unplanned pregnancies.
  2. Family support and positive attitude changes are crucial.
  3. Continuous monitoring and medical supervision ensure well-being.

Keywords: Multiparous mothers, unplanned pregnancy, anxiety, family support, medical supervision

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Как цитировать

Cahyani , A. L. A., & Azizah, N. (2024). Managing Anxiety in Multiparous Mothers During Unplanned Pregnancies. Kyzylorda Scholarly Review, 1(1). извлечено от


