
  • Abdurashidov Iskandarbek Zhurat Ugli Tashkent State Transport University

Ключевые слова:

Electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, government policies, sustainable mobility, battery technology, Uzbekistan, global market trends


This article examines the current state of electric vehicle (EV) development and charging infrastructure, focusing on global trends and the situation in Uzbekistan. It explores key factors that influence the expansion of the EV market, including government policies, charging station technology, battery cost reduction, and infrastructure availability.

The analysis is based on data from international sources, statistical reports, and academic research, and it indicates significant progress in global adoption of EVs. China, Europe, and the United States lead the market, while Uzbekistan is taking steps to accelerate the deployment of charging stations and promote sustainable transportation.

While challenges such as limited infrastructure and economic feasibility remain, the paper emphasizes the importance of technological innovation and strategic planning for future development.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Ugli, A. I. Z. (2025). ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND CHARGING STATIONS: DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE WORLD AND UZBEKISTAN. Kyzylorda Scholarly Review, 1(1), 1–8. извлечено от https://bulletin.ouk.kz/index.php/bulletin/article/view/3


