Quality Control: an Effective Tool for Efficient Facility Operations and Maintenance Management in a Multi-Campus Setting


  • Charles Okon Dickson HND (Nigeria) PGD (Ghana), MSC, (USA), PHD, (Addis Ababa) Inspectorate and Quality Assurance Unit Topfaith International Secondary School Mkpatak, Essien Udim L.G.A, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Ключевые слова:

Quality Control, Facility Operations, Facility, Maintenance Management


The study was an examination of  quality control,  an effective  tool  for  Efficient  Facility  Operations  and  Maintenance Management  in  a  Multi Campus Setting. The specific objectives were to determine if  quality inspection,  quality testing, quality repairs and  quality replacement have significant impact on Efficient  Facility   Operations  and  Maintenance Management  in  a  Multi Campus Setting. The study adopted a survey design which involved the administration of questionnaire instrument. Four research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study consisted of 114 staff of the university of Uyo while a sample size of 89 staff were selected through the taro- yame formular. Descriptive statistics was used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses was tested using the r2 value of regression analysis. The study showed that quality inspection, quality testing, quality repairs and quality replacement all have significant impact on Efficient  Facility  Operations  and  Maintenance Management  in  a  Multi Campus Setting. Recommendation proffered include the need for policy on quality control, quality monitoring, quality inspection, quality replacement and quality repairs

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Как цитировать

Charles Okon Dickson. (2024). Quality Control: an Effective Tool for Efficient Facility Operations and Maintenance Management in a Multi-Campus Setting. Kyzylorda Scholarly Review, 1(1). извлечено от https://bulletin.ouk.kz/index.php/bulletin/article/view/9


